Saturday 23 November 2019

What is chart, how to create a chart in excel?

In Microsoft excel a Chart is a built-in tool that allows you to display data in a different chart and graphs formats such as Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, X.Y Scatter, Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble and Radar. These charts and graphs help you understand the data in a worksheet by displaying easy analyze from, although we can also see it in sheet but that is a little bit difficult to analyze from the data.
Select the Excel chart or graph format that is best fits your work

Please see the below image Insert >Charts.

types of charts in ms excel
how  to create a chart in ms excel

What is Column Chart

what is column chart in ms excel
Column Chart
A column chart is used to compare value across categories. The Column Chart shows a comparison of one or more series of data points. Such as you can see the monthly sell graph that is showing the difference between month sell. High sell showing the tallest graph and lowest sell showing the lowest graph.

definition of column chart in ms excel
column chart in ms excel

What is Line Chart

how  to insert line chart
line  chart
A line chart is mostly used for showing trends over time. The lines connect each data point so that you can see how the value fluctuating, increased or decreased over a period of month/time.
Such as in the below chart, you can see the graph of monthly sell.

excel line chart over time
how to make a line graph in excel 2007

Change Chart Type

You can easily change the applied chart type to a different types of charts at any time.
On the Design tab, click Change Chart Type and a new  window displayed from here you can change and  select any other needed chart type.

line chart
how to change chart type 

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What Is SmartArt In Excel

What is Pie Chart

A Pie Chart can only display one series of data. A data series is a row or column of numbers used for charting. Excel uses the first column or row as the chart title.
A pie chart is a circle that divided the data into slices. Each slices represent the contribution in a circle base on its value.

To create a Pie chart on your data sheet select the range and then go to insert >chart use any pie chart subcategory.

You can change the chart name/title. Click on the Chart Title section at the top of the graph and change the title. Now drag anywhere and save it.

If you want to delete the chart place your cursor on the edge of the chart and press your Delete key.

how to make pie chart in excel
how to add pie chart in excel

how to make pie chart in excel
Pie  chart with row range
To apply the pie chart on columns first select the column range and choose the pie chart and next to any sub-category.

how to make pie chart in excel with one column of data
Pie chart with columns range

What Is Bar Chart

A Bar Chart is a graph that similar to a Column Chart. A bar chart can be used to compare the multiple values in a worksheet. The best uses of the bar chart are when the value on the chart represents duration or when the text is too long.

To make a Bar chart, first we have selected columns B, D, E from our sheet and Click on the Insert tab & then on Bar Chart from the Charts group. You will see many options here when you select this button, such as 2-D, 3-D, cylinder, Cone, Pyramid. For our worksheet, we have selected 2-D columns. The chart will appear. You'll also see horizontal bars giving the names of your headers at the left of your graph.

how to make a bar graph in excel 2016
how to make a bar chart in excel with multiple data

You can change the chart name/title. Click on the Chart Title section at the top of the graph and change the title. Now drag anywhere and save it.
If you want to delete the chart place your cursor on the edge of the chart and press your Delete key.

Further, you can redesign your graphs by using other options. Just go to the Design tab or double click on chart edges it will directly go there. Such as in the below image you can see we have applied next layout 5 from chart layouts.

how to make a bar graph in excel with 2 variables

How to draw a simple bar chart in excel

What is Area Chart

An area chart is similar to a line chart but with one difference. The area below the line in graphs is filled with colours. Area Charts are used primarily to show trends over time or other category.
To apply the Area chart, first select the range and choose the Area chart and next to any sub-category.
what is an area chart
How to create an area graph in excel
You will see many options here when you select this button, such as 2-D, 3-D area. For our worksheet, we have selected 3-D Area and next layout 7.
what is an area chart, area chart definition and examples
Excel 2007 Area chart

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