Thursday 24 October 2019

What is top/bottom ten values in Excel?

What are the top/bottom values and how to change qty to highlight the value in Excel Conditional formatting?

Such as by see the name we can judge the function of this formula.

In Excel Conditional Formatting Top 10 Value is a function that highlight those value which are higher value from the selected row or column area.

For example, if a spreadsheet contain 1 to 100 value, when we apply the top ten value it highlights 90 to 100 value because these are top high values.

Bottom 10 value is another function which highlight the top 10 lower value among the selected row or column area.

For example, if a spreadsheet contain 1 to 100 value, when we apply Bottom ten value it highlights 1 to 10 value because these are the top low value from the selected cells.

what is top/bottom ten in excel conditional formatting
how do you find top/bottom ten value in excel

highlight loexcel conditional formatting highlight highest value in each rowwest value in excel,
highlight the highest value in excel

By default qty show 10 in right side box but you can change it easily. You can increase or decrease the number of qty by click on up and down small arrow or manually type qty as you need for your work.

In the below image, you can see how to change qty.

excel conditional format highlight top 5
how to highlight largest / lowest value in each row

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